RedGuard Blog

Learn about blast-resistant modular buildings from the industry’s safety authority – RedGuard. Get news, articles and product information.

Blog Feature

Design & Engineering | Hazard Protection Protocols | Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection

Facility siting studies help identify the best ways to protect your team and assets, ensuring safety and compliance. However, the reliability of these studies can be compromised by industry biases, primarily when the same company conducts the tests and then offers its own related services. This situation can lead to limited and pricey "catch-all" solutions that may be appropriate in some areas of your facility, but offer more protection than necessary in other areas. Below, we’ll explore the importance of facility siting studies and provide three key considerations for analyzing study results.

Blog Feature

Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection

RedGuard’s blast-resistant buildings are essential for facilities in high-risk industries. These buildings provide protection against explosions and safeguard against other common hazards such as toxic gas releases, fires, and flying debris. Multi-hazard protection ensures that facilities in hazardous industries like oil and gas, chemical processing, defense, and manufacturing can maintain safety and minimize risks.

Blog Feature

Custom Buildings | Hazard Protection

Many worksites come with inherent hazards, especially construction sites, oil refineries, and other industrial settings. These hazards could range from fires and toxic materials to unforeseen events. In these critical moments, having the right security measures in place can mean the difference between safety and disaster.

Blog Feature

Best Practices | Design & Engineering | Custom Buildings | Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection

If you've talked to a blast resistant building supplier, or had a facility siting study performed lately, you may have heard the term “multi-hazard protection." But what does that mean? This blog post will shed light on what “multi-hazard” is, what hazards you can protect from, and how to know what level of protection your facility requires. We’ll also dive into how RedGuard takes multi-hazard protection one step further with what we call “Precision Safety.”

Blog Feature

Safety & Regulations | Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection

In the world of high-risk workplaces, such as petrochemical facilities, one thing takes precedence above all else: the safety and well-being of the individuals within. The focus here is on hazardous gases—these are the invisible threats that can have severe health consequences when breathed in. We’ll explore the layers of protection in RedGuard's specialized modular buildings that keep workers safe.

Blog Feature

Design & Engineering | Hazard Protection

Ensuring the safety of your employees is crucial. Regulations and safety measures have been established so that we can prioritize their well-being. In hazardous areas, fire can pose a significant threat to both your personnel and property. In an event resulting in an explosion or fire, it is essential to have full confidence that your team will be fully protected with the most effective tools available. At RedGuard, we take great pride in our steel blast resistant buildings, which are available at protection levels up to 15 psi. They serve as robust safeguards for both lives and assets. Today, we will address a very important question: How do our buildings withstand fire?

Blog Feature

Best Practices | Design & Engineering | Custom Buildings | Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection

The best course for safety traditionally lies in ensuring people are located far from hazards. Unfortunately, there are instances when that is not possible. Oil and gas refineries are one such work site; chemical facilities, power generation, military installations, and research laboratories are a few others. Blast-resistant buildings protect those who must work close to these hazards. They may be temporary or permanent structures, but they are present due to the potential for saving lives and protecting valuable assets should a catastrophic event occur.

Blog Feature

Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection | Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources help cut carbon emissions, lower energy costs, and mitigate some of the risks of climate change. Still, the cost of developing new infrastructure for renewable energy can be high since it requires a significant up-front investment in the face of lower fossil fuel prices. But now that countries and investors understand more about the long-term payoffs, the renewable energy business is growing worldwide.

Blog Feature

Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection | Renewable Energy

Global decarbonization goals call for expanding green energy from renewable resources such as animal byproducts, upcycled wood, wind, water, and sunlight. The renewable energy industry is growing rapidly, and with it comes the development of more energy facilities. However, while industry safety requirements exist, companies must also hold themselves responsible for ensuring their worker’s safety.

Blog Feature

Best Practices | Regulations | Safety and Regulations | Hazard Protection | Petrochemical Industry

This article was created for and originally published for the May/June 2023 issue of BIC Magazine. It is republished here in its entirety.

Blog Feature

Best Practices | Design and Engineering | Blast Resistant Buildings | Hazard Protection

Building blast-resistant structures is an incredibly complex and challenging process. From designing and engineering the structure to sourcing materials and getting regulatory approvals, many steps require precision and attention to detail. That’s why it’s essential to get it right the first time. Whether you’re a contractor, project manager, or end-user, any mistakes made during the process can have serious consequences, including project delays, safety risks, and increased costs.

Blog Feature

Leasing | Safety and Regulations | Hazard Protection | Planning

A tragedy occurred in the early spring of 2005 at a refinery in Texas City, Texas. Today marks the 17th year since a series of explosions killed 15 workers and injured nearly 200 more.

Blog Feature

Design & Engineering | Hazard Protection

*This article was prepared for publication in the March/April 2023 issue of BIC Magazine.

Blog Feature

Hazard Protection

In certain industries, the use and handling of hazardous materials is commonplace, even if few people want to think about hazardous chemicals and their use in manufacturing everyday products. Those in manufacturing or refining understand the importance of these materials and the role they play in helping make our lives, in many ways, and in many industries, easier.

Blog Feature

Safety & Regulations | Hazard Protection Protocols | Hazard Protection | Petrochemical Industry | Petrochemical Industry Explosions

Safety of the Employees and Equipment Workers in the petrochemical industry are subject to numerous risks, including chemical leaks, fires, and explosions. These are in addition to the risks common throughout the manufacturing industry, such as machinery malfunctions and falls.