RedGuard Blog

Learn about blast-resistant modular buildings from the industry’s safety authority – RedGuard. Get news, articles and product information.

Blog Feature

Service & Maintenance | Types of Buildings | Threat Protection Types

This blog post was also published in the July/August issue of BIC Magazine. It is published here, in its longer, complete format. Modular blast-resistant buildings offer exceptional protection in high-risk environments like oil and gas refineries. They set the bar for industrial protection projects when it comes to speed of construction, flexibility and scalability, cost-effectiveness, safety and more. Traditionally, steel has been the material of choice for modular blast-resistant buildings, but recently, there’s a new entry in the industry worth examining—the precast concrete modular blast-resistant building.

Blog Feature

Types of Buildings | Industries | Design and Engineering | Renewable Energy

If you’re thinking of buying an EV, or electric vehicle, for your business, you might think your days of filling up are over. Buying an EV ends your days of stopping at the gas station, but you will still need to “fill up” – now, with electricity. Some immediate questions come to mind.

Blog Feature

Articles | Types of Buildings | Threat Protection Types

When it comes to protection in the form of buildings, there are a few levels of protection that can be observed. For this blog post, we will focus on three building types: general protective structures, buildings that offer blast protection, and buildings that offer hazard protection.

Blog Feature

Best Practices | Custom Buildings | Regulations | Types of Buildings | Design and Engineering | Safety and Regulations | Petrochemical Industry

Being environmentally conscious or eco-conscious is defined as being environmentally aware and sensitive to potential environmental impact. If your day-to-day operations include storing, accumulating, or dispensing chemicals that could negatively impact the environment, it’s your responsibility to make sure that you are properly controlling those elements. Beyond just being a good steward of the environment, environmental compliance is a heavily regulated and monitored part of responsible chemical handling. Government entities like OSHA, EPA, NFPA, and most state and local governments all have specific standards that must be followed to avoid violations that could result in penalties and workflow interruptions.