RedGuard Blog
Learn about blast-resistant modular buildings from the industry’s safety authority – RedGuard. Get news, articles and product information.
Quality | Best Practices | Custom Buildings | Design and Engineering | Blast Resistant Buildings | Installation Process
When it comes to timelines for blast-resistant buildings, we often caution people that there are vendors in the industry that will claim they can finish a job within a questionable timeline - just to get the job. That leads to the question, “What is a realistic timeline to install a blast-resistant building?”
Best Practices | Custom Buildings | Design and Engineering | Blast Resistant Buildings | Installation Process | Planning
Those who work in the oil and gas industry are often tasked with procuring blast-resistant buildings for turnarounds and protection. They often do so by comparing quotes and proposals from multiple vendors. This process is often referred to as RFP or RFQ.
Your safety partner in threat mitigation for hazardous areas, providing safe spaces through customizable, scalable, modular buildings. The industry leader in blast-resistant buildings.