
The Industry’s Top BRB Providers - 2024

May 24th, 2024   |  3 min. read
The Industry’s Top BRB Providers - 2024 Blog Feature

This list was originally published in 2018, but has been updated in 2024 to reflect changes in the industry. 

Every day, our RedGuard sales directors are out in the field, meeting with customers and potential customers about blast-resistant buildings. With potentially hundreds of meetings a year, our team, comprised of seasoned oil and gas professionals and subject matter experts, takes the time to understand needs, deliver informative "lunch and learn" presentations, and actively listen to the concerns of our valued stakeholders. 

Blast Resistant Building Suppliers

Service_TeamAt RedGuard, we are recognized as industry leaders in blast resistance, but we still sometimes get asked, "Who are some comparable blast-resistant building suppliers in the industry?" No company wants to talk about the competition, but we take an honest approach because it’s no use pretending that other blast-resistant building manufacturers don’t exist - they do. And any web-savvy individual can find them. 

We're honored to work with so many safety-conscious industry professionals, and we know that when it comes to something like a blast-resistant building, all options must be weighed. So, with that in mind, here's a list of a few of the industry's blast-resistant building manufacturers and suppliers that we often see or hear about when we're out in the field. We'll start with us for comparison's sake, and then the others are listed in no particular order: 


RedGuard, based in Wichita, Kansas, has a premier line of fully customizable blast-resistant and multi-hazard protection modules, up to 15 PSI. RedGuard provides modular solutions, based on a hazard analysis completed by unbiased third-party engineers. Their extensive product line includes SafetySuite, the fully customizable option found on countless worksites throughout North America; RediSuite, its line of pre-engineered suite-quality blast-resistant buildings has numerous layouts and popular configurations; and LeaseFleet, the largest fleet of leasable blast-resistant buildings of its kind in North America. 

Hunter Buildings

Based in Houston, Texas, Hunter Buildings is another provider of steel blast-resistant buildings specializing in serving the oil and gas industry. They’ve been around for a long time and offer a range of customized, durable steel structures designed to withstand extreme conditions. They also have leasable options available and include specialty buildings like blast-resistant tents and storm shelters. With a focus on modular design and material innovation, Hunter aims to deliver both safety and operational efficiency.

Fortress Protective Buildings 

A fairly new entrant into the world of manufacturing blast-resistant buildings, they started making BRMs in 2020. You may know them better by their parent company, BakerRisk, an engineering firm that, until recently, engineered and approved the steel buildings of other BRM manufacturers on this list. Fortress builds modular concrete blast-resistant buildings, which are designed and tested by their parent company, BakerRisk. This is a somewhat different approach than RedGuard, where we use only third-party engineering firms to test our buildings and to provide analysis studies for hazardous locations.

MB Industries

MB Industries, headquartered in Shreveport, Louisiana, is a specialized provider of blast-resistant modular buildings. Focusing on the oil and gas industry, the company creates structures designed as protective solutions for challenges like blast, ballistics, or forced entry, both onshore and offshore. It offers both temporary and permanent building solutions and concentrates on the use of durable materials and construction techniques designed for structural integrity in high-risk environments. 

Mobile Modular (DropBox Blast Modules)

A California-based company that serves the industrial, military, and commercial markets with standard container-type modular buildings and some customizations. While blast resistance isn’t their specialty or primary focus, they have a specific brand for their blast modules, called DropBox. Their modular buildings are seen in high-risk industries like the industrial, military, and commercial markets. 

Module X Solutions

Module X Solutions is a Louisiana-based company offering specialized modular buildings across various industries, such as data centers, fiber regeneration, government, oil and gas, petrochemicals, renewable energy, telecommunications, and utilities. While its focus isn't exclusively on blast-resistant buildings, they have options that span multiple high-risk sectors.


Pac-Van is a publicly traded company that leases and sells portable buildings and storage for non-residential use; it is headquartered in Pasadena, California. As a provider of modular buildings and storage solutions, they also have a selection of transportable and modular blast-resistant buildings. It is affiliated with United Rentals and caters to diverse sectors like petrochemical, mining, and military. Pac-Van aims to offer modular solutions that meet stringent safety and quality standards.

Tiger Industrial

Tiger Industrial, headquartered in Beaumont, Texas, is primarily an industrial service provider specializing in equipment rentals for sectors including energy, industrial, construction, and waste management. Although not their main focus, the company does offer rental solutions for blast-resistant buildings. By leveraging its expertise in equipment rentals, Tiger Industrial provides options for companies in need of temporary, structural solutions. Their offerings in blast-resistant buildings are an extension of other services they offer in the oil and gas industry.

William Scotsman

William Scotsman, also known as WillScot, is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a publicly-traded company, and while not specifically focused on blast-resistant buildings, they do have a range of modular buildings and storage units. Through its storage division, Mobile Mini, they also offer modular storage solutions. Blast-resistant buildings are a recent addition to its portfolio, thanks to the acquisition of fleets from companies that have exited this specialized market. 

Deciding on BRM Manufacturers

We don’t mind mentioning names because we recognize the gravity of the decision that buying a blast-resistant building carries. And, realistically, we know you’ll likely see these names when you do research, if you’re not familiar with them already.

We know that ONLY YOU can know for sure which is the right fit for your needs. Here are a few more resources that might help you out along the way as you learn more about your options: 

And, of course, when it's time to talk to RedGuard, we're in Wichita, Kansas, with reps on the East and West Coasts, Texas, Louisiana, and even internationally! Our specialty and expertise is in the design and manufacture of steel, modular, blast-resistant buildings. We’ve worked with companies throughout the energy sector, and other industrial safety-focused industries, plus, government, military and much more. We were one of the first companies to focus their efforts on blast-resistant design and safety, and we’re still at it today.

To start a conversation with one of our subject matter experts, contact us today. 

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Carreen Gibbons

Carreen Gibbons

Carreen Gibbons is the Communications Specialist at RedGuard. With a natural curiosity toward technical subjects and a love of learning new things, she writes content for the SiteBox Storage and RedGuard websites and spends her days learning new things about the industries that the companies serve.