RedGuard Blog
Learn about blast-resistant modular buildings from the industry’s safety authority – RedGuard. Get news, articles and product information.
Adam Crocker is the field service manager at RedGuard and has been at the company since 2019. Both his previous time serving the petrochemical industry and his military background gives him a unique understanding of the industry and has kept the RedGuard service team operating smoothly. His goal is to keep his team operating safely and professionally while delivering efficient service to customers to keep their operations running safely.
Best Practices | Service & Maintenance
Imagine working in a warehouse with a high volume of daily foot traffic. There are always people on the move, and projects to finish. There are occasional mishaps, materials get spilled, and they get cleaned up quickly (and lightly) because you're in the middle of a big project. You assume that regular maintenance will pick up anything you leave behind later. That is... if there is regular maintenance. Unfortunately, if the floors are not properly maintained, it might not end well. The floor's surface could become slippery, cluttered, or uneven, creating a dangerous environment for workers. Properly maintained floors are important to the safety, protection, and health of your staff.
Service & Maintenance | Field Service
When it comes to weight, the doors on a blast resistant modular building (BRM or BRB) tip the scales around 600 pounds. When they are on customer sites like refineries, nitrogen or olefin plants, or other hazardous sites where blasts could occur, they receive more wear and tear than their occupants may realize. The weight of the doors and the number of times they are opened and closed during a 12-hour shift impact the amount of routine maintenance that should be given to them. For example:
Service & Maintenance | Blast Resistant Buildings
The great thing about blast-resistant buildings is that they are almost maintenance-free. However, at RedGuard, we are the first to admit that “almost” maintenance-free does not mean maintenance-free. One area that DOES require regular maintenance, as in any building, is the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, or HVAC system.
Your safety partner in threat mitigation for hazardous areas, providing safe spaces through customizable, scalable, modular buildings. The industry leader in blast-resistant buildings.