Adaptability Is Key in Growing Blast-Resistant Building Segment

This article was originally published in the September/October 2022 issue of BIC Magazine. Sometimes changes are made for length, or to reflect the publication's style guidelines. It is re-published here in its entirety.
In 2021, I submitted an article to BIC titled Changing Political Winds Are Upon Us: RedGuard has you covered. In that column, I wrote, “For our industry, moving forward after Inauguration Day means being ready to adapt. It’s time for all of us to prepare a smart and efficient response to some predictable changes, as well as a few surprises.”
Although we, as an industry, knew changes were imminent, I’m not sure anyone could have predicted the current volume and variety of challenges. This includes personal social issues, economics, and politics, not to mention the negative portrayal of the oil and gas industry and energy industry’s practices and environmental record.
The segment of modular blast-resistant building suppliers has been affected by the current environment and has experienced significant changes. However, despite the changes and challenges, RedGuard has remained steady, consistent, and solid, delivering the quality and service that RedGuard customers expect, without disruption.
Several key blast-resistant building suppliers have unexpectedly restructured or liquidated their lease fleets, leaving a deficit of units in the marketplace. Many facilities had pushed or postponed their planned outages and turnarounds to this post-Covid period.
As key suppliers in the blast-resistant building landscape transitioned and affected availability, RedGuard’s LeaseFleet size and building mix provided facilities and customers with capable options. RedGuard still maintains the largest fleet of blast-resistant buildings for long or short-term leases. Many in the industry recognize RedGuard’s ability to provide unlimited flex space and complexes for the largest planned outages and turnarounds. They are now seeing our ability to quickly modify our LeaseFleet units for custom needs, providing standard blast-resistant restroom, office, tool, permitting, control, and security buildings. This quick adaptability reliably supports facilities’ peripheral needs.
Despite the blast-resistant building industry changes, RedGuard has increased its overall LeaseFleet size and added a variety of new standard models. The company has supported customers by expanding its delivery fleet and adding additional support staff.
Several new blast-resistant building suppliers with new ideas and approaches entered the marketplace. New approaches, narratives, and techniques undoubtedly come up when new suppliers enter a marketplace. While new questions and conversations take place, RedGuard’s process remains the same, changing only with the science. What we learned from Texas City in 2005, and the longstanding relationship with Dr. Ali Sari, arguably one of the most respected blast engineers in the world, shapes that process. The 15 years of industry-leading innovation, expert staff, and tested and proven designs allow RedGuard to be the most consistent, reliable, and cost-effective modular blast-resistant building supplier in the industry. The company is always looking to conduct business ‘the right way.’
Labor and material shortages impacted the blast-resistant module segment as they have in every other corner of the global economy.
Among the supply chain challenges, RedGuard has again remained steady and consistent, leveraging 15 years of experience, knowledge, relationships, and industry leadership to quickly address (and overcome) supply chain deficiencies, limiting the effects on end customers as much as possible.
RedGuard’s unique dedication to maintaining an ever-present and empowering culture strengthened its administrative, production, service, and sales staff through the recent downturn and enabled growth. Through production facility expansions and additions, diversification acquisitions, and organic growth, RedGuard has added many new quality-minded, teamwork-driven individuals, guaranteeing that it will remain the most consistently reliable industry leader through the future’s headwinds.
On a positive note, RedGuard’s success has allowed it to diversify into new markets with new product lines. Please visit our new website to these business lines, like commercial tornado shelters and multi-use steel modular buildings.
As we begin our journey to the end of a rather forgettable 2022, remember that RedGuard has established the most experienced and seasoned team of outside representatives in every region of North America. Hopefully, you’ve met the RedGuard representative in your region. If you have not, I encourage you to visit our website and send us an inquiry. A well-versed, friendly professional willing to introduce you to RedGuard, provide education on blast-resistant compliance, and support your response to upcoming changes will respond to you in the platform you prefer. There is never any cost or obligation for requesting information, consultation, or a quote from the industry’s top blast-resistant building supplier.
RedGuard is thankful for those of you in our industry who support us. We remain ready to embrace and adapt to the potential changes on the oil and gas horizon - helping you do the same. For more information about blast-resistant buildings, visit us online, or call (855) 733-4827.
Bryan Bulling
Bryan Bulling is a Regional Area Manager for RedGuard, serving the Northeastern United States. He's an expert in the areas of hazard consultations and blast-resistant solutions. He has more than thirty years of experience in a range of industries, some of those include construction, industrial/commercial architecture, oil and gas refining, and project planning.